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Read what's going on at MEISSNER EXPO.

Junger Besuch am Girls‘ Day

Bruno Meissner in der IHK-Vollversammlung

Award for “our” vocational school

Say hello to our dual students!

Let's achieve goals together

IFES World Summit Singapore

Global Exhibitions Day


Modern Work Award - sponsored by MEISSNER EXPO

We produce electricity

Supporting GoBanyo

virtual.drupa 2021

Bruno Meissner talks about the COVID-19 crisis

Halstenbek - gateway to the world

Montana Black's house

Digital customer relationships - how does it work?

Exhibition in Milan canceled - instead: exhibition in Halstenbek!

Raclette and fondue garden

MEISSNER EXPO opens green screen studio

MEISSNER EXPO Impulse Day 2020: Personal, live and virtual

Once we have got the time, we will ...

MEISSNER EXPO at a virtual trade fair

MEISSNER EXPO cycles for a good climate

Showroom with the latest LED technology

Think globally, act locally!

Rotary International Convention

Behind the scenes at MEISSNER EXPO

Roger Taurant Award for Bruno Meißner

40 years of MEISSNER EXPO!

We are recertified!


Junger Besuch am Girls‘ Day!

Jedes Jahr im April ist „Girls‘ Day“: An diesem Aktionstag haben Mädchen die Gelegenheit, in Berufe hineinzuschnuppern, die üblicherweise männerdominiert sind. Auch 2024 hatten engagierte junge Menschen im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren die Gelegenheit, hinter unsere Kulissen zu schauen und selbst mit anzupacken. Die Schülerinnen bekamen einen Einblick in die vielfältigen Aufgaben der Projektleitung, Konzeption und Produktion.

Mit tatkräftiger Unterstützung der Experten schafften sie es an nur einem Vormittag, einen eigenen kleinen Messestand zu planen und aufzubauen. Viel Spaß hatten die Mädchen beim Erstellen und Personalisieren kleiner Grafiken. Besonders spannend fanden sie es auch, zu lernen, wie CNC-Fräsen funktionieren, wie man faltenlos kaschiert und Wände baut. Am Ende saßen sie ganz glücklich, aber auch ein wenig erschöpft, auf ihrem eigenen Messestand!

Ein toller Tag war es aber auch für MEISSNER EXPO selbst: Das ganze Team war involviert und ganz stolz darauf, die nächste Generation potentieller Messebau-Experten zu inspirieren und zu fördern.

Bruno Meissner in der IHK-Vollversammlung

Glückwunsch an unseren Senior! Bruno Meissner wurde von allen Mitgliedern der IHK Kiel in das „Parlament der Wirtschaft“ gewählt. Die 60 gewählten Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer der IHK-Vollversammlung vertreten die Gesamtheit der gewerblichen Wirtschaft in der Region. Es werden Weichen gestellt und wichtige Entscheidungen für den Wirtschaftsraum getroffen, denn die Vollversammlung gibt Impulse zur Gestaltung der Rahmenbedingungen und entscheidet, welche zentralen Positionen die IHK zu wirtschaftspolitischen Themen vertritt und adressiert diese an Politik und Verwaltung.

Bruno Meißner: „Ich freue mich sehr darauf, die Zukunft unserer Region aktiv mitzugestalten! Ich möchte meine unternehmerische und verbandspolitische Erfahrung – wie auch Erfahrung als Vater und Großvater – einbringen in eine konstruktive Kommunikation zwischen Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Dafür bietet die Vollversammlung der IHK die richtige Plattform! Themen gibt es reichlich: Fachkräftemangel, Bildung, Unternehmensnachfolge, Verkehr, Energieversorgung, Nachhaltigkeit… Ein riesiges Dankeschön das gesamte Team der IHK Kiel ­– lasst uns mit der Arbeit beginnen!“

Award for “our” vocational school

We knew straight away that our trainee Levi was a particularly good catch for us. But the fact that their vocational school, the RBZ am Schützenpark in Kiel, has now also won a sustainability award makes us even more proud. Here the winners of the German Employer Prize for Education 2023 are presented. Congratulations!

Say hello to our dual students!

Since 1997 we have been working in collaboration with the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg . Students can study Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement with MEISSNER EXPO as their practical partner. In this video, Janina, Lena and Finn show you what it is like!

Let's achieve goals together

The event industry is a very special industry: modern, communal, personal.

The president of our industry association UFI (Union De Foires International) has summarized in this article what tasks we are currently facing. „Together we can use our events to continue to be a catalyst for change for a better, a sustainable, an inclusive world.”

We also think about sustainability. Have you already read the statements of Nikolaus and Bruno Meissner? Take a look!

IFES World Summit 2023 in Singapore

Knowledge transfer and networking full of enthusiasm – the 24th IFES World Summit in Singapore caused absolute enthusiasm in the industry. Over 180 members came together in Marina Bay under the motto “Expanding Horizons”. Nikolaus Meissner was at the world congress of our industry association for the first time without founding father Bruno Meissner and was warmly welcomed with open arms and very appreciative. Exciting conversations with partners from all over the world, the exchange in the “Young Talents Team” and the confirmation that we are on the right track, especially when it comes to sustainability, provided inspiration and motivation.

Fotos: Oliver Wachenfeld

Global Exhibitions Day

There are all possible and impossible holidays, but did you know that there is also one for the trade fair industry?

Every year in June, we celebrate „Global Exhibitions Day“. Under the motto “We run the meeting places and marketplaces for everyone” the value of our work is highlighted in campaigns and events. And since we are even stronger in the network than alone, we also teamed up for the annual photo. Can you spot Nikolaus and Bruno Meissner?

MEISSNER EXPO auf der EuroShop

From February 26th to March 2nd, 2023, our industry met in Düsseldorf at EuroShop. MEISSNER EXPO was there for the 16th time! At our stand in the IFES Global Village (Hall 1 C64) you could not only take a look at this retrospective photo album , but also and above all talk about the future with Nikolaus and Bruno Meissner. Thank you for many inspiring conversations!

This video wonderfully reflects the lively and appreciative atmosphere at the IFES stand. Can you spot Bruno or Nikolaus Meissner?

Modern Work Award - sponsored by MEISSNER EXPO

Everybody talks about “New Work”. What does modern work look like, regardless of the product or service that you are offering? Where, how and how much do you actually have to work to achieve your goals? What successful models and initiatives are there and why do they work?

Anna and Nils Schnell from Mowomind haben den „Modern Work Award“ ins Leben gerufen. 

MEISSNER EXPO war erneut als Partner dabei und sorgte für ein reibungsloses Streaming der Preisverleihung. Hier geht’s direkt zur Aufzeichnung.

What can we as a “Sustainable Company” contribute to the energy transition?

An example: We produce our own electricity. When we rebuilt our hall in 2016, we designed the statics of the roof so that a photovoltaic system could be installed at any time. Our hall has a fairly precise north-south orientation, the hall roof is inclined to the east and west, thus ensuring optimal light output.

Now the time has come: We have a PV system with a capacity of almost 100 kWp on the roof. This means we are still in the low voltage range and do not have to install our own transformer station. Our own electricity needs are now produced directly on site, and we feed excess energy into the power grid. We expect a payback period for our investment of less than 10 years. Sunny prospects!

Supporting GoBanyo

Kennen Sie den „Duschbus“? Die gemeinnützige Organisation GoBanyo hat ihn ins Leben gerufen und gibt damit vielen Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz ein Stückchen Würde zurück. Der Duschbus macht Station an verschiedenen Orten in der Stadt und bietet seinen Gästen kostenlose Duschen, saubere Wäsche und Pflegeprodukte – in Privatsphäre.

Wir finden das super und haben zur Adventszeit kurzerhand ein paar Kartons Süßigkeiten vorbeigebracht, die unser Kunde Mondelez netterweise zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Vielleicht sorgen sie für das ein oder andere Lächeln in den Gesichtern. Auf der GoBanyo-Website können Sie sich darüber informieren, wie Sie mit Zeit, Geld oder Sachen Gutes tun können.

virtual.drupa 2021

Drupa, the world's largest trade fair for print media, is usually a place full of large machines, the latest technology and many experts who exchange ideas and network. This year it will be different, because due to the pandemic drupa will be virtual in 2021.

A good opportunity to greet our customer tesa in our green screen studio. We have enough space for machines, as well as a hall at ground level for convenient delivery. The technology works. And as a trump card, our colleague Naemi is available as a charming presenter

Here you can see what came of it:

The tesa EXPERT TALK on sustainability.

Have fun!

Bruno Meissner talks about the COVID-19 crisis

How did MEISSNER EXPO handle the COVID-19 crisis?

The local economic development
society WEP conducted an interview with Bruno Meissner about motivation, optimism and gratitude.

Halstenbek - gateway to the world

Yes, of course: Hamburg is actually the gateway to the world ... But to be honest, even a few kilometers away there is a pretty stiff breeze blowing. Seagulls screech. Containers are handled, almost exactly like in the port of Hamburg!

At least we found it pretty exciting when a customer's booth was picked up with a crane. All of the material is stored in a container. That, in turn, is on our company premises. When there are trade fairs, the thing is simply transported away. Okay, "simple" is relative. But the seagulls were definitely impressed.

Do you also need creative solutions? Please contact us!

Montana Black's house

Innenausbau des Privathauses von MontanaBlack – Ankleidezimmer – Schlafzimmer - Sonder-Einbauten wie Riesenbett mit Sternenhimmel, maßgeschneiderter Unterbau für ein großes Aquarium, Bildrechte bei Sven Wied

What does MontanaBlack have to do with MEISSNER EXPO? Well, click into the YouTube star's “house tour” videos! A dressing room in a class of its own ... a giant bed with a starry sky ... a tailor-made substructure for an aquarium ... Planned in cooperation with Feelgood Design we had a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, from design to visualization and construction to implementation. See for yourself!

Digital customer relationships - how does it work?

Nikolaus Meissner und Ken Blöcker vom UVUW (Unternehmensverband Unterweser) im Green Screen Studio in Hamburg-Halstenbek. Man sieht die grüne Wand, im Bildschirm oben den digitalen Hintergrund, die Kameras und Beleuchtung.

How do you make the most of the situation the event industry is currently in? Burying our heads in the sand is not our style. Instead, we think positively, we are creative and we find really good solutions. Nikolaus Meissner chats with Ken Blöcker from the Lower Elbe-West Coast corporate association in the new MEISSNER EXPO STUDIO.

HERE you can find the interview.

And HERE in the new Greenscreen Studio.

Have fun watching! And if you have any questions or would like to see the studio live and in color please contact us!

Exhibition in Milan canceled - instead: exhibition in Halstenbek!


It is nothing new that trade fairs are currently hardly taking place in the traditional sense. The alternatives are exciting, though! Our customer Lichtenheldt thought: Why wander into the distance ... when the new MEISSNER EXPO studio is just around the corner?

Lichtenheldt presented itself virtually at the canceled CPhI. From the event website to online appointment management to teleprompter and comfortable chair in the green screen studio, from a wide variety of personalized content to training and catering for the excited team, everything was taken care of. Potential new customers were also addressed because all content was shared on the customer’s website.

So: why Milan when there is Halstenbek? Well, the weather might be a reason ...

Raclette and fondue garden


Event, trade fair, interior design. Craft, creativity, hunger. We know it all. Projects in which you can combine all of these are a lot of fun. Like the establishment of a raclette and fondue garden in the inner courtyard of the 25hours Hotel Altes Hafenamt. Hungry guests can get raclette in Hamburg's Hafencity. We also ordered, but of course only after everything was perfect.

MEISSNER EXPO opens green screen studio

Drum roll ......! The brand new MEISSNER EXPO green screen studio is open!

There’s a lot you can do in it! For example: The MEISSNER EXPO Impulse Day 2020 was celebrated as a hybrid event in these rooms. Do you want to have a look? Here is a short after-movie. And here Nikolaus Meissner shows how your company gets on the virtual stage. Please contact usif you would like to know more!

MEISSNER EXPO Impulse Day 2020: Personal, live and virtual

The event industry is paralyzed. Really? Something is happening: so-called hybrid events are coming up everywhere. But what is that anyway? What does it mean and how can we use such new formats in a targeted manner?

A perfect topic for an impulse day, which is already a small institution at MEISSNER EXPO. For the tenth time, we invited to inspiring lectures and a colorful supporting program. This year, the event professionals from CARL GROUP were part of the team: two organizers, two locations, and thanks to Corona, everything in the virtual world.

A small group of customers was able to experience live on site how MEISSNER EXPO and CARL GROUP broadcast from their green screen studios. The moderators Annika de Buhr and Naemi Menneke gave a very amusing tour through the program. Top-class speakers gave the participants plenty of food for thought on current challenges, hygiene solutions, cybercrime, new work and the "new normal" in the tourism and event industry.

A live switch was used to switch between the two studios; discussions took place both on site and on the internet. Thanks to virtual chat rooms, the guests and speakers on site were also able to exchange ideas with viewers who followed the event via live stream.

Bruno Meissner, managing partner of MEISSNER EXPO, summarizes:

“Even for event professionals like us, this day was a crucial test. I would like to thank everyone who got involved - together we have achieved something that gives hope and opens up completely new opportunities for our industry and our customers. We look forward to this exciting future!"

Once we have got the time, we will ...


You know that sentence, don't you? Once we have got the time, we will…. expand the attic. ... clean the whole house from top to bottom, inside and out. ... clear up the garden. ... rearrange the conference room. ... plan for the future, two days in a row! And guess what? We did it! That „Corona time“ offered something good after all.

MEISSNER EXPO at a virtual trade fair


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It is the year 2020 AD. All of Germany is paralyzed by a pandemic ... All of Germany? No! A team brought together by indomitable event experts never ceases to resist the intruder ...

MEET GERMANY goes virtual will take place on May 26th and 27th: 3,400 trade visitors, 90 exhibitors, 50 speakers - completely online.

MEISSNER EXPO wants to experience this and conjures up a virtual exhibition stand out of the hat. Visitors wander through the exhibition halls on the website or via an app, click on the exhibition stands, where they can access a lot of information and talk live to the MEISSNER EXPO team.

Nikolaus and Bruno Meißner give a lecture on the subject of "Virtual Encounters - Future or Nightmare?" and discuss online with committed guests.

Our conclusion? Two great days! Visitors and exhibitors were able to find out about possibilities that digitization offers and maybe even put aside their fear of it. But have you heard of our Halstenbeck proverb? “Every further stage of digitization increases the value of personal encounters.” We don't want to miss that, in addition to the use of the most modern options.

How do you see it? Write to us! We are looking forward to your feedback!

MEISSNER EXPO cycles for a good climate


25. Juni 2019

„Knackarsch statt Bleifuß!“ Haben wir schon? Gut, dann radeln wir für ein gutes Klima – ist ja auch viel wichtiger.

MEISSNER EXPO took part in the international “City Cycling” campaign and deliberately preferred bicycles to cars for three weeks. We covered all possible distances by bike, a total of 1,236km. As a result, we did NOT blow 175kg of CO2 into the air. A good feeling, and actually very easy.

After a wonderful bike tour with the whole team that took us across Hamburg in beautiful weather, even the last skeptic was convinced: You should bike much more often!

Showroom with the latest LED technology


Nikolaus Meißner with Jens Gauthier (Managing Director of LAP GmbH Laser Applications) in the newly opened showroom in Lüneburg at the headquarters of LAP.

MEISSNER EXPO designed and produced the new showroom on behalf of LAP and installed it in a former production hall over the past few weeks. State-of-the-art LED installations put the various LAP product lines in the right light!

Think globally, act locally!



Bright sunshine, bright faces! The Halstenbeck day care center "Holzhüpfer" is happy about a new, shady tree in its outdoor area. MEISSNER EXPO, located just around the corner, donated it for Tree Day on April 25th.

The children of the raccoon group have been very excited for days. Well prepared, they have already explored all trees on the kindergarden site and in the neigborhood. At one point in the middle of the kindergarden playground, a shady spot is missing. This is exactly where Bruno Meissner, CEO of MEISSNER EXPO, and the raccoons come in. They dig a large hole, insert the blood plum, trample the earth firmly and water vigorously.

The idea of using Tree Day to raise awareness of climate protection comes from the FAMAB Foundation. For the third time, the sustainability foundation of the live communication industry, of which Bruno Meissner is one of the founding members, called for the nationwide tree-planting campaign. "We have to take responsibility for the next generation," says Bruno Meissner. "A foundation forest is emerging in Panama, but here, right on our doorstep, we have something now that children can grasp and get.“

Rotary International Convention


Blue and yellow flags fluttered in the wind throughout Hamburg, and over 26,000 visitors from all over the world enjoyed the varied program of the Rotary International Convention in perfect weather. The exhibition, co-designed by MEISSNER EXPO in Halls A3 and A4 of Hamburg Messe, was fully booked and the expected number of visitors was even exceeded.

Rotary brings volunteer leaders together in a global network to find solutions to mankind's most pressing problems. Many impulses were given in Hamburg to advance a large number of humanitarian projects. Read more about this here.

Behind the scenes at MEISSNER EXPO


There is curiosity in each of us, isn't there? The Lower Elbe-West Coast Business Association (UVUW) has recognized this and launched the series “Behind the Scenes at ...”. Interested members have been allowed to visit MEISSNER EXPO and look into corners that visitors usually do not see. Who is actually sitting at the computer, writing concepts? Where are the giant prints made that make up a trade show booth? Are the storage shelves tidy enough? And where do the employees actually eat lunch? Ken Blöcker, Managing Director of UVUW, is enthusiastic:

“As event professionals, the MEISSNER EXPO team, host of our ‚Behind the Scenes’ series, have set standards for upcoming events. The innovative strength and the international orientation that emanates from this hidden champion is impressive. We were shown what an important part fun and cordiality can have in economic success. As a regional employers' association, we are very interested in cross-sector exchanges between employers in the region. Only if you know about each other, new business contacts and synergy effects can arise in the region. We would like to thank the family business Meissner Expo for an exciting insight into a highly innovative industry."

We are happy to return the thank you and will continue remembering that small things can often make a big difference. By the way: If you would like to take a look behind our scenes, please contact us!

Roger Taurant Award for Bruno Meißner



When Bruno Meißner returns from his travels, he always has something to tell. At this year's IFES (International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services) World Summit in Chicago, meetings actually took place in a swimming pool and in a basketball hall! Well, the water was drained and the rooms were remodeled, but the location remained exceptional.

Bruno Meißner has been a board member, president and, most recently, past president at IFES for many years. For his commitment to international association work, he was presented with the Roger Taurant Award. IFES President Voicu Sferdianu congratulated and MEISSNER EXPO is grateful and proud!

In 2019, the annual conference will take place in Athens.

If you want to know more about the IFES World Summit 2018, you will find a review with many photos here einen Rückblick mit vielen Fotos.

40 years of MEISSNER EXPO!



40 years of MEISSNER EXPO - this anniversary was happily celebrated! However, we did not mainly look back, as one might expect from an anniversary. No, we focus on the future! We presented the guests with a colorful program, the "MEISSNER EXPO Future Slam":

Future Slam:Three students presented their current research, just a few minutes permitted, very amusing, very stimulating and very funny. Thomas Wagenknecht thought about the future of work. Johannes Schildgen asked us if we might like french fries with our french fries. And Miku Kühmel knew why the movie can never be as good as the book.

Virtual and Augmented Reality:We looked back 40 years, but virtually! With VR glasses on, you could wander through a MEISSNER EXPO museum. You could also visit a trade fair stand virtually. Whoever liked, was even allowed to travel to the moon. Christoph Wegert from Meiller GHP provided the theoretical background in an exciting lecture.

Multi Touch Tables are almost a trade fair classic. Such a table helped us to save a piece of the rainforest. When you put your name tag on the table, you found out whether you had won a little tree that symbolized a piece of rainforest in Panama. More information on the reforestation project we are supporting is available from the Wiederaufforstungsprojekt gibt es bei der FAMAB Foundation.

Bruno and Nikolaus Meissner hosted the program. They tossed the balls to each other, told anecdotes from 40 years, of defeat, of getting up again, of how failures can be turned into successes. They thanked all loyal customers and companions, long-term suppliers and their team.

The entire event was recorded digitally, but also in analogue. While the photographer Kathrine Nielsen was taking photos (you can have a look below), the illustrator Piers Goffart captured the most beautiful scenes as a “graphic recording” on a six-meter-wide wall.

And what would an anniversary be without delicious food and good music? The street musician Malvin Meven is a real insider tip! The extremely personable ladies from Chick Peace, an initiative in which refugee women conjure up Arab and African delicacies, have delivered the perfect side buffet to the classic MEISSNER EXPO grilled food.

It was a nice afternoon, it's been a wonderful 40 years - we're looking forward to the future!


We are recertified!

We have been able to call ourselves a “Sustainable Company” since 2014. Every three years we provide evidence of our progressively sustainable orientation, including the areas of management, product and service philosophy and employee responsibility. You can find out more about the certificate here.