... a small, medium-sized family business with over 45 years of company history. We help international customers, companies and organizations to present themselves, find and address their markets, and communicate with their customers and interested parties.
We work at trade fairs and exhibitions, congresses and events, in showrooms, studios and stores, with the option of doing all of this virtually and hybridly as well.
Our 20 permanent employees are young all-rounders, multi-talents and experienced specialists looking forward to seeing you!
As a North German company, the typical Hanseatic values such as reliability, respect and fairness are very important to us.
Even if it gets stressful at times, we laugh a lot and give it all. Because we are a good team. By the way: We often cook together at lunchtime and, when the weather is good, we like to spend our lunch break on the company terrace or in the garden.
We need you for our production/warehouse! Please send your application to jobs(at)meissner-expo.de, attention of Martina Mohnke.
Skilled and unskilled workers as support in our warehouse/production
Do you (m/f/d) come from the area...
...or are you simply an all-round skilled craftsman, with an affinity for trade fairs?
Then apply as a helper or specialist!
It's not for you, but do you know someone? Please send this person the link to this page or also this PDF.
This is what you will do at MEISSNER EXPO:
Entire range of warehousing:
- order picking
- preparation for shipping of trade fair components including loading, load securing, return inspection and re-storage
- repair work on returned components
- quality control of delivered materials and components as well as outgoing shipments
Depending on orientation, possibly also:
- independent development of stand construction parts in your specialist area
- graphic preparation/lamination, quality control of large graphics
- assignment at trade fairs with assembly teams
– Qualified school leaving certificate
– Organizational skills
– You enjoy teamwork
– Willingness to provide assembly support, sometimes on weekends during the season
– Driving licenses for forklifts or trucks (advantageous, but not a requirement)
– Opportunity for development, possibly with coordinating tasks
What we offer:
– Versatile tasks, personal responsibility, direct communication with management
– Flat hierarchies, great opportunities for development, industry-standard remuneration
– Friendly, familiar and family-friendly atmosphere with the prospect of long-term employment
– Opportunity for development, possibly with coordinating tasks
Für den BWL-Studiengang ab Herbst 2025 und 2026 haben wir je einen Platz frei! We look forward to receiving your application at jobs(at)meissner-expo.de
Für den BWL-Studiengang ab Herbst 2024 sind unsere Plätze belegt! Du hast zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt Interesse? We look forward to receiving your application at jobs(at)meissner-expo.de
Dual study program “Business Administration – Trade Fair, Congress, Event Management (B.A.)” (m/f/d)
Since 1997, we have been successfully training students in the dual degree course in trade fair, congress and event management in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University . Students can study Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement , since 2022, at the DHBW Mannheim .
Dual study program “Business Administration – Trade Fair, Congress, Event Management (B.A.)” (m/f/d)
Since 1997, we have been successfully training students in the dual degree course in trade fair, congress and event management in cooperation with the DHBW Ravensburg . Students can study Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement , since 2022, at the DHBW Mannheim .
This course of study is suitable for people who want to combine study and practice.
Working independently in an experienced, young team, some of whom have already studied at the DHBW, offers the opportunity to put what you have learned from your studies into practice.
After successfully completing their studies, our students usually receive a work offer with a permanent position.
The prerequisite is the general university entrance qualification.
We are regularly looking for 1 or 2 students per year. After a successful application, we will register you at the DHBW of your choice.
We will then conclude a study contract with you for the three-year study period. The contract regulates your monthly salary, your exemption during the theory phases and your annual vacation. The academic year begins each year on the 1st of October. Every three months you will change your location between Halstenbek/Hamburg and Ravensburg or Mannheim.
We look forward to receiving your qualified application. Please send it to
(Last update: November 2024)
Duales Studium „Tourismusmanagement (B.A.)“ (m/w/d)
Dieser Studiengang ist geeignet für Abiturienten, die Studium und Praxis miteinander verbinden möchten. Selbstständiges Arbeiten in einem erfahrenen, jungen Team bietet die Möglichkeit, das Erlernte aus dem Studium praktisch einzusetzen. Bei uns erhalten die Studierenden nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Studiums meist ein Angebot für eine selbstständige Aufgabe im Team mit einer Festanstellung.
The prerequisite is the general university entrance qualification. Wir suchen regelmäßig 1 oder 2 Studierende pro Jahr. Nach einer erfolgreichen Bewerbung bei uns melden wir Dich an der IU an. Recherchiere gern schon mal selbst unter:
Danach schließen wir für die dreieinhalbjährige Studienzeit einen Studienvertrag mit Dir ab. Der Vertrag regelt Deine monatliche Vergütung, Deine Freistellung während der Theoriephasen sowie Deinen Jahresurlaub. Das Studienjahr beginnt jeweils zum 1. April oder zum 1st of October. Das Studienmodell an der IU kombiniert Präsenz- und Onlinekurse mit Praxisphasen im wöchentlichen Wechsel bzw. in geteilter Woche.
(Stand 07.06.2022)
Ausbildungsplatz Veranstaltungskaufleute (m/w/d)
Veranstaltungskauffrau/-mann (m/w/d) ist ein spannender Beruf mit viel Abwechslung im Berufsalltag!
Bei uns ist diese Ausbildung das Sprungbrett in die Projektleitung. Schon während der Ausbildung bekommst Du detaillierte Einblicke in reale Projekte und assistierst in unserer Projektleitung. Auch Abteilungen wie Kreation, Design, Studio, Marketing, Buchhaltung und Einkauf kommen nicht zu kurz, wenn Du gern dazulernen willst, aufgeschlossen und interessiert bist.
Die Ausbildung beginnt am 01.02.Voraussetzungen für eine Bewerbung zur Ausbildung bei uns sind ein qualifizierter Schulabschluss, gute Deutsch- und Mathematikkenntnisse, Organisationstalent, Freude an Teamarbeit und Einsatzbereitschaft.
Wenn alles passt, stellen wir Dich nach der bestandenen Prüfung gern fest ein!
(Stand 28.03.2023)
Ausbildungsplatz Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)
Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik werden bei uns vielseitig eingesetzt. Sie nehmen Lieferungen von Lieferanten und Subunternehmern an, kontrollieren sie und lagern sie sachgerecht. Sie stellen Lieferungen für die Messeplätze zusammen, verladen und versenden gemäß Stücklisten und Lieferscheinen. Zum Aufgabenbereich gehört auch die Optimierung logistischer Prozesse. Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik ist ein 3-jähriger anerkannter Ausbildungsberuf in Industrie, Handel und Handwerk. Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik finden Beschäftigung in Unternehmen nahezu aller Wirtschaftsbereiche.
Voraussetzungen für eine Bewerbung zur Ausbildung bei uns sind ein qualifizierter Schulabschluss, gute Deutsch- und Mathematikkenntnisse, Organisationstalent, Freude an Teamarbeit und Einsatzbereitschaft.
Wenn alles passt, stellen wir Dich nach der bestandenen Prüfung gern fest ein!
(Stand 28.03.2023)
What else?
Our 20 permanent employees are young all-rounders, multi-talents and experienced specialists looking forward to seeing you!
As a North German company, the typical Hanseatic values such as reliability, respect and fairness are very important to us. Even if it gets stressful at times, we laugh a lot and give it our all. Because we are a good team. By the way: We often cook together at lunchtime and, when the weather is good, we like to spend our lunch break on the company terrace or in the garden.
What we offer:
Flat hierarchies, great opportunities for development, modern workplaces in our villa-like office building and in the new hall built in 2016.
Versatile tasks, great personal responsibility, direct communication with management.
Friendly, familiar and family-friendly atmosphere with the prospect of long-term employment.
Tried-and-tested regulations for home office assignments. Flexible working time models that take your personal needs into account.
Would you like to work with us?
We look forward to receiving your qualified application. Please send this by email to Martina Mohnke, stating the earliest possible starting date: jobs(at)meissner-expo.de
Since 1997 we have been working in collaboration with the Dualen
Hochschule Baden-Württemberg . Students can study Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement
with MEISSNER EXPO as their practical partner. In this video, Janina, Lena and Finn show you what it is like!
Say hello to our dual students!
Since 1997 we have been working in collaboration with the Dualen
Hochschule Baden-Württemberg . Students can study Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement
with MEISSNER EXPO as their practical partner. In this video, Janina, Lena and Finn show you what it is like!